Recently, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to the overcrowded world of health and wellness. And, as our loyal readers may already know, Reset Logic is our favorite “underdog.” Not because we don’t expect the brand to grow and perform well– we do! But because Reset Logic is brand new.

For those of you who haven’t run across Reset Logic yet, here’s how their novel monthly supplement programthe Reset — will make your life a whole lot easier:

Throw out your pill bottles:

The Reset has everything your body needs. 70+ vitamins and nutrients delivered on a regular, monthly rotation so that you can stay healthy every month, all year long. You can replace an entire grocery store’s supplements aisle with the Reset program. The best part? It’s all delivered in a single, daily dose.

Nutritional support made simple:

• 70+ essential vitamins, minerals, roots and herbs: from vitamins A – E, to zinc, probiotics, rhodiola, echinacea and more!

• Benefits detoxification, energy levels, recovery, gut health, and immune function

• All delivered in convenient daily packets

Limited time offer: try the Reset for only $1 a day

Verified customer reviews:

Although Reset Logic is in what you might call the early-launch stage, their few customer reviews are overwhelmingly positive! Here’s a sneak peak:

“Having spent years in the Navy it’s been necessary to ensure I’m at peak performance. Reset made this simple – I no longer forget to take my vitamins and the system is so simple that it’s easy to get everything I need to do my job.”


“I started this two weeks ago and after the 3rd day I already felt a difference. I’m now on the second week and feel I have better focus, more energy, and overall a healthier gut. The packaging is beautiful and the routine in simple and so easy to integrate into your daily routine. I highly recommend this.”


Impressive science:

The thing we love most about Reset Logic is the science behind their unique, weekly approach. Here’s why:

Comprehensive ingredients: 70+ vitamins, minerals, roots and herbs, all carefully selected by experts for their proven health benefits

Weekly rotation: Rather than using the same generic daily pill, the Reset deliver targeted nutritional support for a different essential health area each week of the month-long program.

Stronger formulas: Because you’re not taking the same formula every day, the program can also deliver stronger daily doses for better results.

It’s time to reset your vitamin routine:

We’re impressed with Reset Logic. They have impressive science and a long list of ingredients that can easily compete with some of the most popular (and expensive) brands dominating the health and wellness market today — all for $29.99 per month.

Don’t miss their limited-time offer to subscribe for 40% off!

Have we tried the Reset?

Yes! Check out our detailed product review and comparison to other top brands here.